Master in Supply Chain Management

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Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

Master in Supply Chain Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Supply Chain Management será impartido de forma Presencial.
  • Número de horas
    El tiempo establecido para cursar la Carrera es de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Una vez que concluyas el plan de estudios, UNIE Universidad te otorga el título de Máster in Supply Chain Management.
  • Valoración del programa
    La logística es un área en constante crecimiento y se prevé que alcance un valor global de 19.000 millones de euros en 2026. Este sector está considerado como uno de los motores económicos más potentes, debido principalmente a tres factores: la transformación digital de la economía, los rápidos avances del comercio electrónico y la inversión que las empresas están realizando para acelerar la sostenibilidad de sus procesos logísticos. Con este Máster en Supply Chain Management estarás plenamente y altamente capacitado para hacerte cargo de cualquiera de las diversas áreas estratégicas de la logística y la cadena de suministro, y para generar e implementar las soluciones más efectivas. El programa te ofrece contenidos académicos que se ajustan a las demandas del mercado laboral: herramientas de logística y cadena de suministro en todo el proceso; analítica de datos y toma de decisiones; cómo crear modelos de simulación para la planificación de la cadena de suministro; técnicas de optimización y gestión de riesgos; procesos de digitalización; desarrollo del comercio electrónico; impacto de la automatización; inteligencia artificial, internet de las cosas y blockchain; sostenibilidad y RSC; y habilidades de liderazgo, comunicación e innovación.
  • Dirigido a
    Podrás acceder al Máster si: eres una persona con habilidades de negociación, resolución de conflictos y trabajo en equipo; con capacidad de planificación, visión estratégica y capacidad de liderazgo, el Máster en Supply Chain Management de UNIE podría ser el programa especializado que estabas buscando. Todo lo que necesitas es un título universitario en alguna de estas áreas académicas: Estudios Empresariales | Administración y Dirección de Empresas | Economía | Otras titulaciones similares.
  • Empleabilidad
    Algunos de los perfiles con más demanda para los graduados de un máster en SCM incluyen: Supply Chain Manager | Logistics Manager | Procurement Manager | Operations Manager | Consultor de SCM | Analista de datos de la cadena de suministro. Es bueno que sepas que algunos de los sectores que contratan a un profesional con el perfil del Master in Supply Chain Management son: Retail y Comercio Electrónico | Manufactura | Automotriz | Alimentos y Bebidas | Farmacéutico y Salud |.

Comentarios sobre Master in Supply Chain Management - Presencial - Madrid - España

  • Contenido
    Master in Supply Chain Management.

    Become the expert capable of making the changes that increase supply chain efficiency.

    Tipo de curso: Master
    Rama del grado: Business & Tech
    Titulación del grado: Master in Supply Chain Management
    Método: On campus

    Logistics is a steadily growing area and expected to be worth €19 billion globally by 2026. This sector is considered one of the most powerful economic drivers, mainly due to three factors: the digital transformation of the economy, the rapid advances in e-commerce, and the investment that companies are making to accelerate the sustainability of their logistics processes.

    With this Master in Supply Chain Management you’ll be fully and highly qualified to take charge of any of the various strategic areas of logistics and supply chain, and to generate and implement the most effective solutions.

    Our program offers you academic content that meets the demands of the labour market: logistics and supply chain tools throughout the process; data analytics and decision making; how to create simulation models for supply chain planning; optimization and risk management techniques; digitalization processes; development of e-commerce; impact of automation; artificial intelligence, the internet of things and blockchain; sustainability and CSR; and leadership skills, communication and innovation.

    Thanks to this approach in line with economic reality, you’ll become a professional capable of mastering the most innovative logistics and supply chain techniques and tools, from procurement to after-sales services.

    ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de este curso?

    With this Master in Supply Chain Management you’ll be fully and highly qualified to take charge of any of the various strategic areas of logistics and supply chain, and to generate and implement the most effective solutions.

    ¿A quién va dirigido?

    If you are a person with negotiation, conflict resolution and teamwork skills; with planing capacity, strategic vision and leadership skills, UNIE´S Master in Supply Chain Management could be the specialized program you were looking for. All you need is a university degree in one of these academic fields:

    -Business Studies
    -Business Administration and Management
    -Other similar degrees
    -Industrial Engineering and other types of engineering


    University degree or postgraduate degree

    ¿Qué distingue a este curso de los demás?

    • Our program, fully aligned with the real world of business today, incorporates the latest logistics trends in information systems, decision support systems, simulation, and emerging technologies

    • Thanks to the international approach of the UNIE curriculum, you’ll develop a global view as you focus on the most widespread scenarios in the field of logistics and supply chain Management

    • You’ll learn how to develop your own projects through specific modules and activities aimed at boosting your talent to generate efficient and innovative logistics solutions while being your own boss

    • This Master in Supply Chain Management will provide you with an ethical and responsible vision in the management of all stages of the process, considering the social and environmental impact of business activities

    • You’ll learn with a constantly updated program that incorporates the most innovative trends and methodologies, which will help promote and raise your profile in today’s demanding job market

    ¿Qué pasará tras pedir información?

    You will have the assistance of an advisor, who will be available to help you with any questions or needs you may have.

    Resumen del Temario.

    During the first semester you’ll learn the fundamental aspects of strategic management, executive management, global planning, and production and warehouse management.

    In the second semester you’ll deal with purchasing management, sustainable logistics, and logistics technologies, and you’ll learn about the latest trends in the sector that are defining its future.

    This is also the time when you’ll start gaining experience that will be highly valued by companies, through internships in logistics and supply chain management departments. You’ll also be required to complete and present your master’s thesis.

Otra formación relacionada con logística

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