Curso de Diseño Gráfico

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Curso de Diseño Gráfico

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La metodología del Curso de Diseño Gráfico es Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del Curso es de 3 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona otorga certificación oficial.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Curso de Diseño Gráfico ofrecido por el IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona cubre los aspectos fundamentales del diseño gráfico, como teoría del color, tipografía, composición visual y narrativa gráfica, complementados con el uso de herramientas digitales como Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator e InDesign. A través de proyectos prácticos, los estudiantes trabajan en áreas clave como diseño editorial, branding, publicidad, packaging y diseño digital, incluyendo interfaces de usuario (UI) y experiencia de usuario (UX). Además, el curso fomenta la creatividad y el pensamiento estratégico, mientras se exploran tendencias emergentes, como el diseño sostenible y las tecnologías aplicadas al sector creativo.
  • Dirigido a
    El Curso de Diseño Gráfico ofrecido por el IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona está dirigido a personas apasionadas por el diseño visual que desean iniciar o consolidar una carrera en este ámbito. Es ideal tanto para principiantes como para quienes ya tienen experiencia y buscan actualizar sus habilidades con un enfoque innovador y profesional.
  • Empleabilidad
    Algunas de las salidas profesionales del curso incluye: Diseñador gráfico, Director de arte, Diseñador editorial, Especialista en diseño UX/UI y Diseñador freelance, entre otros.
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Comentarios sobre Curso de Diseño Gráfico - Presencial - España - Extranjero

  • Contenido
    Graphic Design.

    Explore every stage of the graphic design process, from the basic tools to the processes involved in post-production, and more.

    Language: Spanish
    Frequency: Part-time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 3 Weeks

    A learning experience that emulates the work done in a professional studio in the form of a variety of projects based on company briefs.

    In this full immersion Graphic Design Summer Course you’ll learn to use the best tools to create your own projects and get a grounding in the basic concepts of the graphic design world.
    Use essential software to develop graphic proposals, adopt presentation techniques and use scale models;l draw up estimates, and learn the ins and outs of the pre-press, production and post-production processes. 

    Information to decide.
    A first-hand Graphic Design learning experience that faithfully recreates a professional design studio environment. 

    Methodology and structure.
    The course is based chiefly on emulating the work done in a professional design studio in the form of a variety of projects for companies based on real and near-real briefs. These exercises cover every stage of the work process as you develop your creative skills, with all the resources you need to make your mark in the sector. 

    As well as theoretical and practical subjects, the syllabus includes content that actively encourages your creative drive and helps you to think like a designer.

    Who is it for?
    If you want to know which tools to use to create graphic design projects and get a solid grounding in the basic concepts of graphic design, this is the course for you. 

    Designers working in other fields, Fine Arts and Audiovisual Communication graduates and students, photographers, editors, publicists, proof-readers, journalists, printers, typographers and calligraphers who want more in-depth knowledge of graphic design will find the course both interesting and useful. 

    Why choose it.
    It’s a practice-based course that’ll put you in touch with the reality of the market as you develop projects for companies based on real and near-real briefs. You’ll be studying with a teaching team of professionals working in the sector, eager to pass on everything they know in a creative learning experience. 

    And you’ll be doing so at one of the best design schools in a city that sets the standard in terms of design.  


    Image theory and concept
    The history of graphic design and the use of best practices in typography
    Creativity and conceptualisation in graphic design

    Adobe InDesign
    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Illustrator

    Final production checks and finishing in graphic arts
    PDF and post-production

    Corporate Identity
    Editorial Graphics 
    Creative Illustration

Otra formación relacionada con diseño grafico

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