Comentarios sobre Curso de Oracle 11g: XML Fundamentals - Presencial - Magdalena del mar - Lima Metropolitana
In this course students learn the basics of XML. Students learn to create an XML document, and format XML documents using XML Stylesheet Language for transformations (XSL). Students learn about XML Namespaces, and document type definitions. This course covers the components of an XML Schema, creating an XML Schema document, and validates XML documents using XML Schema.
The course discusses XPath expressions and how to use XPath expressions in XSL to select parts of an XML document to be transformed. In addition, students are introduced to the support for XML offered in various Oracle products, such as, the Oracle XML DB, Oracle XML Developer’s Kit, and Oracle JDeveloper. Students become familiar with the terminology of XQuery, its data model and type system, and various expressions and functions. Additionally Students learn how to use XML editor in Oracle JDeveloper.
Learn To:Otra formación relacionada con oracle
Curso de Administrador de Base de Datos Oracle 10 g
Centro: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Solicita informaciónCurso - Taller de Capacitacion Funcional Oracle EBS
Centro: Peru ERP Consulting
Solicita informaciónMaestría en Administración y Dirección de Tecnologías de la Información
Centro: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
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