Master in International Business Management (ENG)

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Analisis de educaedu

Nadia Bacco

Master in International Business Management (ENG)

  • Modalidad de impartición Los contenidos se dictan de manera online.
  • Número de horas El programa se desarrolla en doce meses.
  • Titulación oficial Tras concluir el programa, el estudiante recibe el Máster en International Business & Trade Management (ENG).
  • Valoración del programa El objetivo del programa es aumentar la competitividad y empleabilidad de los participantes, adquiriendo los últimos conocimientos y tendencias relacionados a la administración de negocios. Durante la cursada, se acceden a competencias en gestión intercultural, comercio internacional, marketing global, y emprendimientos internacionales.
  • Dirigido a El programa del Máster está diseñado para directivos, ejecutivos, profesionales con experiencia y titulados afines a la administración de empresas y negocios.
  • Empleabilidad Al completar el tiempo de estudio, el egresado podrá desempeñarse como gestor de la internacionalización de una empresa, así como de sus procesos, en empresas medianas y grandes.

Master in International Business Management (ENG)

  • Contenido Master in International Business Management (ENG).

    • Dedicación: 60 ECTS 
    • Duración: 12 months
    • Metodología: Online 
    • Idioma de Impartición: English 

    Promoting the use of information technologies, addressing the expansion of operations and changing corporate culture are all essential

    SECTION I: International Business Management.

    Globalisation has given rise to increasingly more segmented and competitive markets, so the internationalisation of companies and their establishment in foreign markets is key when expanding a business. Promoting the use of information technologies, addressing the expansion of operations, changing corporate culture and adopting to new national cultures are all essential.

    The International Business Management module trains professionals with an international outlook, who know how to manage companies on the road to internationalisation or who already operate abroad. These professionals must master the financial, strategic and management environments which contribute to building international businesses.

    Objectives and benefits:

    The aim of this section is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to face successfully the changes that occur throughout the internationalisation of businesses and efficient strategic management, increasing the competitiveness and international employability of participants.

    The section in International Business Management is designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

    • Critically analyse and evaluate complex issues in a globalised, dynamic and changing business environment.
    • Describe the relevant economic and financial indicators, and business models for decision making.
    • Appreciate the intercultural complexities of international management and manage institutional agreements ethically.
    • Recognise the needs of international customers and develop global marketing strategies.
    • Apply the knowledge needed to succeed as a global entrepreneur and the know-how to develop new businesses in international contexts.
    • Plan growth strategies for international businesses.


    SECTION II: International Trade Management.

    Globalisation has given rise to increasingly segmented and competitive markets, so the commercial management of companies is more challenging when organising sales in uncertain surroundings.

    This section, in turn, is designed for professionals with an international vocation, who know how to manage a sales department and who want to know the implications of  strategy in a global environment. It is for people proficient in business management who know about the opportunities that can be created with an international sales strategy.

    Objectives and benefits:

    The general objective of this second section is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the international commercial management of businesses, with an ability to embrace the opportunities offered by the fast-changing environment. It also aims to increase the competitiveness and international employability of participants.

    The section in International Trade Management is designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

    • Describe the tools of economic analysis and identify the challenges and opportunities of globalisation.
    • Use knowledge of new technologies and information systems for international trade and the management of international operations.
    • Develop sales negotiation skills and techniques at an international level.
    • Identify the different variables that influence the creation of commercial networks and the impact of logistics as a resource for business.
    • Manage the tax consequences of an international organisation's business operations.

    Syllabus of the Master in International Business
    Section I. International Business Management.

    International Integration and Economic Environment

    This course aims to develop a systematic approach to analysing current events in the international business environment. Topics covered include international integration, political risk, political regulations and environmental factors that influence corporate activities. The subject focuses on the analytical approach of the global business environment. Students learn actively through case studies, problem solving and the application of concepts. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop comparative and country analysis skills, to understand the most important macroeconomic indicators, to evaluate the main management risks and to identify business opportunities.

    Topics covered:
    • International integration
    • Regional economic integration processes
    • Macroeconomic indicators
    • Regulatory environment
    • Environmental factors

    International Business Management and Innovation

    This module examines the factors that enable companies to obtain and maintain competitive advantage in the international environment by identifying opportunities, creating capacities and developing new technologies and organisation methods. Strategic analysis is an important part of the class. We shall explore and apply various analytical techniques to effectively position the company or business unit in a competitive environment. The course will also cover various combinations of organisational structures and the people needed to run a particular strategy.

    Topics covered:
    • Principles of strategy
    • Strategic innovative management
    • Internal and external analysis
    • Functional, competitive and corporate strategies
    • International strategies
    • Organisational structure


    Global Marketing

    The internationalisation of businesses involves the participation of customers, producers, suppliers and other groups of interest in the global marketing process. This course aims to give students an analytical, conceptual framework for making decisions, and drawing up and implementing marketing programmes worldwide. Topics such as the potential to internationalise, the selection of foreign markets, the development of global marketing programmes, and the implementation and monitoring of the global marketing programme will be covered.

    Topics covered:
    • Internationalisation of the company
    • Deciding which markets to enter
    • Entry strategies for international markets
    • Global marketing programme
    • Implementation and coordination of the global marketing plan
    International Financial Management

    The international financial management module aims to provide a basic understanding of international finances and financial management options for companies in global markets. It explores the responsibilities of the finance directors of multinationals or companies with multinational subsidiaries, suppliers or international product markets. Topics covered include exchange rate risks and hedging with derivatives such as futures contracts, forward contracts and options. Payment mechanisms, international financing and business strategies are discussed and applied in order to maximise value for shareholders.

    Topics covered:

    • Introduction to the international financial system
    • Currency markets
    • Country risk
    • Access to financing in international markets


    Cross-Cultural Management

    The module is designed to develop global business leaders. It covers the main management issues for companies doing business internationally. Topics include the cultural dimension of international management, diversity management, communication and leadership in a global context, and cultural impact and ethical dilemmas in global management. This module focuses on the application of skills, as well as case studies and methods of teaching and learning.

    Topics covered:

    • The cultural dimension of international management
    • Management of cultural diversity
    • Intercultural communication
    • Leadership in the global context
    • Ethical dilemmas in global management

    Section II. International Trade Management.

    Global E-Business

    This course provides an overview of the management of e-businesses in a globalised world economy. Topics covered include technologies that support e-commerce, different models of e-commerce and their applications, safety issues, e-payment systems, legal and ethical issues, global matters on digital management, topics on design and implementation, and strategies used by e-businesses.

    Topics covered:

    • The internet in business and the new consumer
    • Business models
    • E-business considerations
    • Technical aspects e-businesses
    • Business strategy

    Global Entrepreneurship

    In this module we aim to provide students with the tools required to fully understand the entrepreneurial process in globalised markets. This course focuses on recognising and looking for global business opportunities, evaluating the feasibility of new companies and learning how to manage business growth. The main objectives include teaching students the skills needed to develop an original idea for a new business or create a new product or service for an existing business.

    Topics covered:

    • Trends and opportunities in the global environment (Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc.)
    • Management of business innovation and information systems
    • Business angels and venture capital companies
    • Social entrepreneurship

    International Trade Management

    Trade management is a key international activity, especially for small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). This module covers the theory and practice of import and export management. The main topics are business planning, intermediary management (including legal aspects), and financial risk management. Therefore, the module focuses on the strategic and operational challenges associated with the processes of importation and exportation.Topics covered:

    • International recruitment
    • Incoterms
    • International transport
    • International shipping insurance for goods
    • Main international trade documents


    Global Supply Chain Management

    Students on this module develop the ability to conceptualise, design and implement supply chains aligned with product characteristics, the market and customers. Currently, international commercial competition is between supply networks instead of individual corporations. Students evaluate how information technologies, dynamic markets and globalisation are affecting strategies and practices in the supply chain, including logistics, digital coordination of decisions and resources, risk management and inventories, procurement and recruiting suppliers, product and process design, and income management.

    Topics covered:

    • Stock management, planning systems and operation control
    • Supply chain management
    • The integration of purchases – production – distribution
    • Competition between networks and the integration of operations

    International Trade Negotiations

    The purpose of this course is to help understand the theory of negotiations, as practised in a variety of strategic and international scenarios. It aims to help students feel more comfortable and confident with the negotiation process. The course is designed to be relevant to the broad spectrum of negotiation problems faced by managers using specific examples of international strategy, such as mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. The course will give participants the opportunity to develop skills through experience and to understand negotiations in conceptual and analytical frameworks which are useful for international trade management.

    Topics covered:

    • Negotiation in the commercial sphere
    • Preparing to negotiate
    • The sales negotiation process and techniques
    • Negotiation at international level

    Final Masters’ Thesis. International Business Simulation

    The international business simulation is the final module in the programme. It offers the culminating experience of the Master – designed to provide students with opportunities to integrate knowledge from all the previous modules, and to find out more about the meaning of professionalism and professional practice in international management.Computer simulations are useful tools for learning and applying concepts. This module will include a computer simulation for entering international markets and expansion strategies. The course is designed to enable students to experience this, playing the role of a director of a major electronics company.


    Trading with

    The Trading with workshops cover specific aspects of how to do business and providing services in several regions worldwide. They will focus on the economic and cultural peculiarities of each society, their cultures and subcultures and their influence on trade relations. The workshops will also cover issues related to business protocols and etiquette, as well as discuss how to do business in those regions. Specific topics covered are regional trading blocs, the advantages and challenges of doing business in such countries, guidance for investors and entrepreneurs, case studies, etc.
    Application process and certification Master in International Business in English.

    The fundamental goal of our application process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants must get the most out of this learning experience via a context in which it is possible to develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

    What are the stages of the application process?.

    STEP 1: The candidate must meet our application prerequisites.
    STEP 2: If the candidate profile fulfils these, a telephone interview with a member of the Application Department will be conducted.
    STEP 3: Having passed the interview, the candidate must submit the required documentation to start the application process, including a letter of motivation.

    Beforehand the candidate will have to complete the application form, which will collect information and documentation supporting his/her academic and professional profile: Curriculum vitae, letter of reference/recommendation, academic degree and language accreditation certificate if necessary.

    STEP 4: With this documentation and the report from the Application Advisor, the Application Committee shall examines the candidate's record and certify that he/she meets the profile to complete the Master’s.
    STEP 5: The Application Advisor will inform the candidate of the decision made by the Application Committee, which will enable the candidate to enrol in the programme if positive.

    Double qualification.

    People who successfully complete the programme will earn a Master’s from OBS Business School also, participants who meet the academic requirements set for universities will obtain the Master’s from the University of Barcelona.

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