Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce

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Inés Gonzalez

Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce

  • Modalidad de impartición La modalidad de impartición de este Máster es Presencial, en Madrid.
  • Número de horas El Máster se lleva a cabo en un tiempo estimado de 10 meses.
  • Titulación oficial Los estudiantes que culminen y aprueben el programa de la EAE Business School Madrid, obtienen el Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce
  • Valoración del programa Los profesionales egresados del Máster in Digital Marketing & E-commerce de la EAE Business School Madrid, obtendrán una formación especializada y habilidades avanzadas en el campo del marketing digital y el comercio electrónico. Con el crecimiento continuo de Internet y la importancia cada vez mayor de la presencia en línea para las empresas, este programa ofrece una oportunidad invaluable para desarrollar conocimientos especializados y estrategias efectivas en el ámbito digital.
  • Dirigido a El Máster se dirige hacia profesionales en Marketing, Publicidad y Comunicación, u otros profesionales con experiencia laboral superior a dos años en el ámbito empresarial.
  • Empleabilidad Los egresados del programa estarán capacitados para trabajar en marketing digital y comercio electrónico en una variedad de sectores industriales, incluyendo retail, tecnología o servicios financieros, entre otros, como gerentes de marketing digital, consultores de comercio electrónico, analistas de datos o emprendedores digitales.

Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce

  • Contenido Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce.

    Tipo de Curso: Máster
    Impartición: Presencial
    Duración: 10 meses 
    Área: Marketing & Digital Transformation


    The Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce at EAE Business School Madrid provides marketing, sales and operations professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate new channels, media and approaches into a company's commercial and customer relationship strategy Whether you are a traditional business looking to take advantage of more effective marketing channels or an exclusively online business, the master addresses all the strategic and operational aspects of marketing and commerce in digital environments.

    This program has a highly practical focus and is designed to prepare students for the professional field.

    Why choose the Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce at EAE Madrid?

    Digital tools: You will acquire specific skills in CRM, Inbound Marketing, advertising on social networks, email marketing, e-commerce creation, mobile application development, affiliate marketing and programmatic advertising.

    Certifications: The master prepares you to obtain the Google Ads and Google Analytics certifications, issued by Google.

    New trends: Topics such as models based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Metaverses, immersive technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality), collaborative economy, marketing automation and Blockchain are explored.

    Prestigious alliances: EAE Business School Madrid is associated with the main marketing entities in Spain, such as the Spanish Marketing Association (AME) and the Spanish Association of Digital Economy (ADIGITAL).


    The Master in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce has as its main objectives:

    Become a specialist in online marketing, communication and commercialization strategies, covering customer acquisition and loyalty in virtual environments, as well as offline customer retention through digital channels.

    Provide a clear vision of digital planning and successful business adaptation strategies.

    Develop skills to master the strategies, techniques and management of the main e-commerce platforms.

    Create efficient strategies and systems for the integral management of logistics and customer service in B2C and B2B e-commerce environments.

    Use specific tools for measuring and optimizing results in e-commerce businesses.

    Acquire knowledge about various online marketing strategies and understand the influence of mobility on user and consumer behavior.


    To access the program, it is recommended to have a higher degree, preferably in areas related to Marketing, Advertising or Communication. However, the field of knowledge is not limited, and professional experience of more than two years in the business field is also valued.

    Plan de estudios.

    The agenda of the Master in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce is the following:

    MODULE 1: Fundamentals of Marketing and Digital Communication
    Introduction to the digital environment and axes of online marketing and communication – 6 ECTS

    MODULE 2: Digital marketing planning
    Search engine marketing and advertising – 6 ECTS
    Performance Marketing – 6 ECTS
    Social Media Marketing – 6 ECTS

    MODULE 3: Web design and virtual store
    Web design, usability and virtual store – 6 ECTS
    Customer management, logistics and regulations – 6 ECTS

    MODULE 4: Online Business Project and Indicators
    Analysis of results – 6 ECTS
    Online business plan – 6 ECTS

    Final Master's Project – 12 ECTS

    Más detalles.

    True Potential Experience: An experience that combines our Master with a personalized professional development plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you discover your true potential, focus it and develop it.

    Minors: EAE Madrid offers you the opportunity to obtain an optional individualized specialization, online, which is completed at the end of your Master's, to stand out in the job market by strengthening your professional profile.

    Career opportunities: Upon completion of the Master, you will be able to perform roles such as Director of Digital Marketing, Director of Electronic Commerce, Digital Brand Manager, Digital Project Manager, Electronic Commerce Manager, SEM Manager, SEO Manager, Social Media Manager, Content Curator, Digital Communication Manager...

Otra formación relacionada con marketing en internet / marketing online