Master in Big Data & Analytics

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Analisis de educaedu

Nadia Bacco

Master in Big Data & Analytics

  • Modalidad de impartición El Master in Big Data & Analytics tendrá una modalidad de imparticiónPresencial.
  • Número de horas El Master in Big Data & Analytics tiene una extensión de 12 meses.
  • Titulación oficial EAE Business School otorga titulación oficial de Máster en Big Data & Analytic .
  • Valoración del programa Durante el programa el estudiante obtiene herramientas para la gestión, evaluación y proyectos relacionados a la Big Data a servicios de las empresas y los negocios. Algunos contenidos estudiados son: - Big Data & Analytics desde la perspectiva empresarial e industrial, rendimiento empresarial, transformación digital y análisis de clientes.
  • Dirigido a Los contenidos del curso apuntan a empresarios, directivos, profesionales y titulados relacionados con la gestión de datos, la informática y la administración empresarial.
  • Empleabilidad Los egresados de Master in Big Data & Analytics podrán liderar sectores dedicados a la recolección, análisis y gestión de volúmenes de datos en empresas de todo tipo.

Master in Big Data & Analytics

  • Contenido Master in Big Data & Analytics.

    Formato: Full time
    Modalidad: On Campus
    Duración / Créditos: 12 months / 70 ECTS
    Idioma: English
    Campus: BCN


    The Master in Big Data & Analytics is a program designed to cover the extensive business demand for data analysis. New technologies are changing the world as we know it. It is becoming smart and filled with information, thanks to social media, mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT).

    Now, more than ever before, we have the power to access real-time information on all the processes in our company, our customers and even our potential clients. This huge amount of data represents a revolution within companies in terms of its volume, volatility and complexity.

    On the one side, this requires the implementation of Big Data technologies with the capacity to store and view this data, while, on the other, it requires technical profiles specializing in different areas in response to the diverse challenges that this revolution poses. Nowadays, Big Data, Data Science and Data Analytics profiles are among those in the greatest demand in a market that cannot meet this demand with the current resources. Within this context, the Master in Big Data & Analytics has been designed to train professionals who can fulfil the demands of companies and institutions at any given time.

    Master in Big Data & Analytics - Campus Barcelona.

    Gain a command of all kinds of knowledge and tools in the field of web analysis. The Master in Big Data & Analytics gives you the opportunity to become a professional  in one of the areas currently in the greatest demand from companies. Your future awaits you at EAE.


    New technologies are transforming the world right in front of our eyes. The use of technological devices, social media and the digitization of work processes generate a huge volume of data that, correctly analysed, can be turned into valuable information. Now, we have the opportunity to know more about the processes that take place in our company, as well as about our existing and potential customers.

    Managing the data derived from the use of new technologies has become an extremely useful tool for guaranteeing business success. However, this requires the implementation of Big Data technologies  for storing and visualizing this data. Moreover, it needs the work of specialist technicians capable of managing and interpreting the data effectively.

    Currently, professional profiles in Big Data, Data Science and Data Analytics are in the highest demand in a market that is unable to cover the demand and which needs well-trained professionals.

    The Master in Big Data & Analytics is designed from a perspective that encompasses both technology and management, with the aim of equipping you to design and manage Big Data projects and achieve the maximum profitability of mass data processing. The result? You will be able to lead technological projects and make decisions effectively within an extremely dynamic sector, with great professional prospects.



    Acquiring an in-depth understanding of the main technological and business issues within the area of Big Data.


    Gaining insight into the functional and/or technical area of Big Data, by resolving practical case studies that arise in modern companies.


    Developing the technological competences required to become a director in the field of Business Intelligence, without losing sight of the executive and management skills needed to lead teams and projects.


    Gaining a command of the key tools currently used in the Data Analysis and Big Data market.

    Tuition Plan



    Module 1 Business Transformation.

    - Big Data & Analytics from business and industry perspective - 2 ECTS
    - Business performance analytics - 4 ECTS
    - Digital transformation - 4 ECTS
    - Customer analytics - 3 ECTS

    Module 2 Data Analytics & Visualization.

    - Data management - 6 ECTS
    - Data visualization - 4 ECTS

    Module 3 Big Data & Data Science.

    - Big Data technologies & architecture - 8 ECTS
    - Data science & advanced analytics - 8 ECTS

    Module 4 Professional Skills.

    - Leadership in a digital environment - 4 ECTS
    - Conferences by experts - 2 ECTS

    Module 5 TFM.

    - TFM - 15 ECTS

    Module 6 Minor.

    - 10 ECTS

    Choosing EAE enhances your future.
    At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our Master in Big Data & Analytics

    Chief Data Officer (CDO)
    Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
    Big Data Consultant
    Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
    Project Management for BI Projects
    Digital Transformation Manager

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