Global MBA (English)

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Analisis de educaedu

Nadia Bacco

Global MBA (English)

  • Modalidad de impartición La formación se lleva a cabo en modalidad online.
  • Número de horas El Máster tiene una duración de diez meses.
  • Titulación oficial Quienes egresan de la formación, reciben el Global MBA (English).
  • Valoración del programa El programa de esta formación busca generar profesionales con competencias para la gestión empresarial, así como para el entendimiento y vinculación con otros sectores del negocio (contabilidad, marketing, etc). Los alumnos adquieren técnicas y herramientas para analizar el estado actual de una empresa en todos sus aspectos ,así como para diseñar y poner en funcionamiento proyectos de mejora.
  • Dirigido a La formación es ideal para quienes buscan un desarrollo profesional en la gestión empresarial.
  • Empleabilidad El programa capacita a sus alumnos para egresar como profesionales en la dirección y gestión de empresas, pudiendo aplicar a los mejores empleos relacionados.

Global MBA (English)

  • Contenido Global MBA (English).
    • Metodología: Online
    • Captación Internacional: Sí
    • Tipo: Master
    • Duración: 10 meses
    • ECTS: 60
    Online Global MBA Global Business Management.

    Introduction to the Online Global MBA

    The Global MBA from OBS Business School has been ranked as one of the best in Spain in the 2015 Online MBA Ranking by Mundo Posgrado. Furthermore, both the Global MBA and the Executive MBA from OBS have been selected as the best online MBAs in the 2015 Iberoamerican Training Ranking for 100% online courses.
    The Online Global MBA in Spanish from OBS Business School focuses on developing the leadership skills and abilities needed to manage global businesses. What sets this programme apart is that it provides its participants with all the tools they need to successfully manage companies with a high rate of internationalisation and innovation, in different kinds of management positions – management control or senior management – and whatever the size of the organisation. With the innovative philosophy of the programme, OBS aims to provide a vision of the starting point for the future of global business management.
    Furthermore, the programme offers its participants a new and pioneering Professional Skills Development Programme, developed OBS and delivered by recognised professionals and experts in Human Resources.
    In the field of business management and administration, a higher education certificate in Management is absolutely crucial. This has been shown by a study published by the Executive MBA Council, which stated that the salaries of MBA participants rose by 11.4% between the beginning and end of their programmes.

    Career Prospects:

    The following are examples of sectors that our students could move into:
    • Import-export businesses
    • Health sector and pharmaceutical industry
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Communications and advertising businesses
    • Multinationals
    • Regulatory bodies
    • Technology sector
    • Banking sector
    • Service sector
    • Accounting and consultancy firms
    • Infrastructure management
    • SMEs
    • Multilateral institutions
    Aims of the Online Global MBA.
    • Defining the correct strategy for businesses to successfully compete in the markets where they operate, whether local or global.
    • Mastering the global and competitive context of the businesses in which we currently work, drawing up optimal strategies for the internationalisation of businesses.
    • Developing our abilities to analyse the local and global economic context, learning how to detect and evaluate the influence of the changes taking place around us.
    • Developing in-depth knowledge of marketing functions for businesses, analysing new communications and marketing tools available to us thanks to the internet and the digitalisation of society.
    • Developing more up-to-date sales policies and the various sales strategies available to us, with particular focus on managing the sales network and data analysis as the main element when defining efficient sales strategies.
    • Understanding staff management as an essential element in competitive environments, with particular focus on creating strategies for the staff of a business. We will look at human resources management as a basic tool in the business world.
    • Providing knowledge of the essential accounting techniques that are required to be able to analyse a business’ financial statements, obtaining the annual accounts and the profit and loss accounts to allow regular analyses of solvency, managing the generation of cash flow, efficiently monitoring costs or knowing how to calculate the profitability threshold.
    • Developing the necessary financial skills, analysing the feasibility of investments and understanding how capital markets function.
    • Drawing up a competitive Business Plan for the company, and knowing how to promote it internally to get it approved.
    Requirements and Qualifications.

    The fundamental goal of our application process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants must get the most out of this learning experience via a context in which it is possible to develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

    What are the stages of the application process

    STEP 1: The candidate must meet our application prerequisites.
    STEP 2: If the candidate profile fulfils these, a telephone interview with a member of the Application Department will be conducted.
    STEP 3: Having passed the interview, the candidate must submit the required documentation to start the application process, including a letter of motivation.
    Beforehand the candidate will have to complete the application form, which will collect information and documentation supporting his/her academic and professional profile: Curriculum vitae, letter of reference/recommendation, academic degree and language accreditation certificate if necessary.
    STEP 4: With this documentation and the report from the Application Advisor, the Application Committee shall examines the candidate's record and certify that he/she meets the profile to complete the Master’s.
    STEP 5: The Application Advisor will inform the candidate of the decision made by the Application Committee, which will enable the candidate to enrol in the programme if positive.

    Double qualification.

    People who successfully complete the programme will earn a Master’s from OBS Business School also, participants who meet the academic requirements set for universities will obtain the Master’s from the University of Barcelona.

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